€40,000 - Available from January 2021
Globe: ShadesOfEnergy
Cycle: TheBomb
Segment: split mind
Variation: TheBomb
Unikat, 260 x 60 x 60 cm
LichtFreiSculpture with LED lighting
€50,000 - Available from January 2021
Globe: Dekorativismus
Cycle.: Women?
Segment: Puzzle
Variation: ADayInVienna
Unikat, 200 x 300 x 50 cm
LichtWandskulptur mit LED-Beleuchtung
€16,000 - Reserved
Globe: God
Cycle: DeVlieger
Segment: Faith
Variation: Believe
Unikat, 09/2020, 190 x 110 x 20 cm
Light wall sculpture with LED lighting
€16,000 - Reserved
Globe: God
Cycle: DeVlieger
Segment: Faith
Variation: Believe
Unikat, 09/2020, 190 x 110 x 20 cm
Light wall sculpture with LED lighting
€16,000 - on request
Globe: God
Cycle: DeVlieger
Segment: FürMeineFamilieUndFreunde
Variation: MeinBilderbuch
Unikat, 05/2020, 190 x 110 x 20 cm
Light wall sculpture with LED lighting
Less than 99 different variations, each containing a letter, make up a book.
2 prototypes were prefabricated by the artist. DeVliegerV1 and DeVliegerV2. (works 2019)
€16,000 - on request
Globe: God
Cycle: DeVlieger
Segment: FürMeineFamilieUndFreunde
Variation: MeinBilderbuch
Unikat, 05/2020, 190 x 110 x 20 cm
Light wall sculpture with LED lighting
Less than 99 different variations, each containing a letter, make up a book.
2 prototypes were prefabricated by the artist. DeVliegerV1 and DeVliegerV2. (works 2019)
€16,000 - available from January 2021
Globe: Portrait
Cycle: Karlotta
Segment: Childhood
Variation: GrowingUp
Unikat, 09/2020, 180 x 100 x 10 cm
Light wall sculpture with LED lighting
€16,000 - available from January 2021
Globe: God
Cycle: KeyOfLight
Segment: AngeloDivino
Variation: Transformation
Unikat, 08/2020, 190 x 110 x 20 cm
Light wall sculpture with LED lighting
€ 16.000
Globe: God
Cycle: KeyOfLight
Segment: AngeloDivino
Variation: Transformation
Unikat, 08/2020, 190 x 110 x 20 cm
Light wall sculpture with LED lighting
€ 16.000
Globe: Dekorativismus
Cycle: Woman?
Segment: PaintedWoman
Variation: GrayDays
Unikat, 08/2020, 190 x 110 x 20 cm
Light wall sculpture with LED lighting
€16,000 - Available from June 2021
Globe: Verbraucherismus, Cycle: HuManKonsum, Segment: BurningFossils, Variation: CO2, Title: HumanKonsum
Unique, 190 x 110 x 10 cm, light wall sculpture
€16,000 - Available from January 2021
Globe: Konsumismus, Cycle: HuMenKonsum, Segment: BurningFossils, Variation: CO2, Titel: GoogleOfKnowledge
Unikat, 190 x 110 x 10 cm
Light wall sculpture with LED lighting
€16,000 - on request
Globe: Dekorativismus
Cycle: Woman?
Segment: PaintedWoman
Variation: Eyes
Unikat, 110 x 190 x 10 cm
Light wall sculpture with LED lighting
€ 16.000
Globe: Dekorativismus
Cycle: Woman?
Segment: PaintedWoman
Variation: ?
Unikat, 110 x 190 x 10 cm
Light wall sculpture with LED lighting
€ 16.000
Globe: Dekorativismus
Cycle: Women?
Segment: WomenInGraffiti
Variation: Graffiti
Unikat, 110 x 190 x 10 cm
Light wall sculpture with LED lighting
€16,000 - on request
Globe: Dekorativismus
Cycle: Women?
Segment: WomenInGraffiti
Variation: Graffiti
Unikat, 110 x 190 x 10 cm
Light wall sculpture with LED lighting
€ 16.000
Globe: Dekorativismus
Cycle: Women?
Segment: WomenInGraffiti
Variation: Graffiti
Unikat, 110 x 190 x 10 cm
Light wall sculpture with LED lighting
€16,000 - on request
Globe: Dekorativismus
Cycle: Woman?
Segment: PaintedWoman
Variation: ElevatedPaint
Unikat, 110 x 190 x 10 cm
Light wall sculpture with LED lighting
€ 16.000
Globe: Dekorativismus
Cycle: Women?
Segment: PaintedWoman
Variation: ElevatedPaint
Unikat, 110 x 190 x 10 cm
Light wall sculpture with LED lighting
€ 16.000
Globe: Dekorativismus
Cycle: Women?
Segment: PaintedWoman
Variation: ElevatedPaint
Unikat, 110 x 190 x 10 cm
Light wall sculpture with LED lighting
€ 16.000
Globe: Dekorativismus
Cycle: Women?
Segment: PaintedWoman
Variation: ElevatedPaint
Unikat, 110 x 190 x 10 cm
Light wall sculpture with LED lighting
€ 16.000
Globe: Dekorativismus
Cycle: Women?
Segment: WomenInGraffiti
Variation: Flowers
Unikat, 110 x 190 x 10 cm
Light wall sculpture with LED lighting
€16,000 - on request
Globe: Dekorativismus
Cycle: Woman?
Segment: PaintedWoman
Variation: GrayDays
Unikat, 190 x 110 x 10 cm
Light wall sculpture with LED lighting
€16,000 - on request
Globe: Dekorativismus
Cycle: Woman?
Segment: PaintedWoman
Variation: GrayDays
Unikat, 190 x 110 x 10 cm
Light wall sculpture with LED lighting
€ 16.000
Globe: Dekorativismus
Cycle: Woman?
Segment: PaintedWoman
Variation: GrayDays
Unikat, 190 x 110 x 10 cm
Light wall sculpture with LED lighting
€ 16.000
Globe: Dekorativismus
Cycle: Woman?
Segment: PaintedWoman
Variation: SexyStatus
Unikat, 110 x 190 x 10 cm
Light wall sculpture with LED lighting
€ 16.000
Globe: Dekorativismus
Cycle: Woman?
Segment: PaintedWoman
Variation: SexyStatus
Unikat, 110 x 190 x 10 cm
Light wall sculpture with LED lighting
€ 9.800,-
Globe: Dekorativismus, Cycle: Women?, Segment: PaintedWoman, Variation: SexyColours
Unikat, 91 x 91 x 11 cm
Light wall sculpture with LED lighting