The Peace Weapon

The peace weapon

The weapon of peace - love, truthfulness and knowledge. Unfortunately a weapon not nearly as explosive as a weapon of war. It takes time to take effect. time we don't have.

What do we need most now? Reason!

Putin, a despot poisoned by power. The drug addict par excellence, but he lacks the knowledge of his drug addiction. Power, a grossly underrated drug. Probably one of the most dangerous drugs in this world. Besides hate and greed. A man who does not allow outside opinions. Surrounded by people with fear. Afraid of him.

A lost soul without any form of self-reflection and without any social control. Isolated. Without love. Caught in the web of your own lies.

Isolated in the one-way street of the dictatorship. In the constant struggle to stay in power. Always in danger of falling or being killed. Crazy? Or just stupid?
One person, so much power. nuclear weapons! The most terrible of all weapons of war. It can destroy in seconds what humans have built over centuries. And unfortunately a lot more. It can destroy our world as we know it.

Right or wrong? An opinion, my opinion. All we have left is communication. Communicating your own opinion, free from fear.

If Putin is not ready for dialogue, we need to find other people around him who are willing to communicate. People who love and not only themselves. People who care about others. people with children.
The weapon of peace, it needs a language, it needs an open ear. Or to put it simply, you can't just launch them at the target with a rocket. The weapon of peace, the inversion of the weapon of war and at the same time so much more complex and also slower. It can never hold its own against the ad hoc weapon of destruction. Its big advantage is that it never loses its explosive power, its power is constant and over time the energy that it unfolds increases. The integral weapon. More powerful than any nuclear weapon. The little problem with this thing, it needs intelligence and people. If the people are no longer there, like all weapons, it loses all function.

Art, a very effective weapon of peace. It connects, provokes. Good, rather ethically good art does not divide – it does not destroy. She takes care of communication. Unknowns can become acquaintances as quickly as in time lapse, a superficial dialogue can quickly turn into a close and deep exchange.

The art weapon, does it succeed in generating a universal understanding within our earth's population? Realization that a life in love and truth means freedom. A life without fear. Who else would oppose her? Even dictators, in their hubris, don't want to be seen as stupid idiots. A universal realization that depriving others of their liberty also robs one's own freedom at the same time. The pressure creates back pressure. That lying is cheating and whoever lies will be lied to. Whoever sows fear also reaps fear.

Anyone who elects a dictator in free elections incapacitates himself. Anyone who endorses a dictatorship will never be free.

All the people who recognize that the rule of law is the membrane that has powered our civilized society. The protective cloak without which enlightenment, science, freedom, integrity, ..., love would only be possible to a very limited extent. Quite analogous to the membrane in the primordial soup of life.

An ethical insight for me. Logical and meaningful. Not right or wrong. Like ethics and art, there is no right and no wrong. Ethics can only become universal if the vast majority of people agree on them. The UN, human rights organizations, etc. were modern attempts. Emerged from the severe crisis of World War II. Not perfect yet, but on the way to perfection? At least on the way to consensus. A path that must now be consistently pursued. Crises are always opportunities. Crises emphasize weaknesses just as they emphasize new opportunities.

The democratic world does not want to conquer Russia. She would never attack Russia. She will defend her values. She will also never indoctrinate her values.

Putin sees truth as danger. - This is not about the ethical opinion. - The lie as a means to an end - how infinitely boring and pointless. Scientific knowledge grows from assumption. She is universal. Ethical knowledge grows out of opinion. It is human and therefore never or only partially universal. Those who have these two insights will not become a dictator. I'm sure. Sure?

A letter to heaven wishing to be heard.

Let's communicate!

Killian Saueressig

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