Globe God

Globe GOD

Transformazione - La Chiave Della Luce

"Light, the key to knowledge, the key to life. Without light there is no life, without light there is no seeing. The transformation of light in the form of reflection, absorption and transmission allows us to look at pictures and sculptures. The light becomes pictures in our heads The images become emotions, ideas become images.

Transformation. The fascination of transforming light into mass and mass into light. The universal principle on which everything is based. The spirit, the soul, a special form of light? LA CHIAVE DELLA LUCE (THE KEY OF LIGHT) - works of art that trigger a magic in the viewer. Works of art that promote knowledge."


Artist's Notes on Light Sculpture Titled: UnhandledDreams

UnhandledDreams, a wall sculpture intended to evoke associations with windbirds in the viewer. The aviator as a dragon soaring into the sky, perhaps with a picture or written wish. Flying a kite in the sky on a windy, sunny day and letting your thoughts wander with it. Detached from everyday life, a moment of contemplation, reflection and remembrance. Remembering the departed friend in heaven? To the beloved mother or father who is no longer there. The childish faith? The desire to keep communicating beyond death.

The belief. Belief in a God? Simply the belief to be heard. Or just a wish? The desire to be heard.


The "ArtKey", by Kilian Saueressig to: UnhandledDreams

UnhandledDreams deliberately has no ArtKey. It gives the viewer every opportunity to philosophize about faith. What or who is God? The historically Christian tradition of God? Belief in a higher power or dimension? A dimension that is believable or even tangible? Or just wish and not real fantasy? A question that is illuminated in many facets in the Globe God and has its beginning in the DeVlieger series. The Globe God deals with the theme of God as the possibility of surviving beyond human death. The cohesion of the spirit detached from the earthly, human shell. Near-death experiences as a credible indication of the cohesion of the mind? Consciousness beyond earthly death? The cohesion of the mind dependent on a critical mass, on mental energy? Where does consciousness begin? In the ant, in the dog, in the chimpanzee, in prehistoric man 100,000 years ago or in modern man 10,000 years ago? Or never?

Artificial intelligence. Man as the creator of a life form that does not know the earthly limitations of man? Aware of her Creator? Elegant, nourished by sunlight, immortal?

The question of meaning. The question of the divine. Questions that have always occupied mankind.

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