MetallicSkin 2019

Works in steel - year 2019

  • Energy of Steel

    Globe: MetallicSkin, Cycle: Steel and Skin, Segment: Inversion of the weight, Variation: EnergyOfSteel V < 9
    Title: EnergyOfSteel V1 < 9, 04/2019, unique, 140 x 40 x 7 cm, light wall sculpture with adjustable LED lighting

    Illustrations: factory unlit and lit with different color settings of the LEDs
    Techniques: image design with real brushes, virtual image design with digital brushes and virtual erasers,
    3C technology, primary form and forming technology, laser direct structuring, milling technology, lamination, and much more
    Materials: Self-developed polymers for the translucent surfaces, paints and varnishes
    Pigments, organic cotton, polycarbonate, wood and LEDs

    Flags of Steel S1, S2, S3 V1 - Trilogie

    Globe: Metallic Skin, Cycle: Steel and Skin, Segment: Inversion des Gewichtes, Variation: FlagsOfSteel V1 <  6
    Titel: EnergyOfSteel, S1/3,  S2/3, S3/3, Trilogie, Variante V1 > 9, 03/2019, Unikate, 40 x 120 cm, WandRelief in Stahl und Polymer
    Einzeln oder als Serie zu erwerben.

    Abbildungen:        Detailansichten und ganze Stahlplatten
    Techniken:              Bildgestaltung mit realen Pinseln, virtuelle Bildgestaltung mit digitalen Pinseln und virtuellen Radierern, 
                                         3C-Technologie,  Urform- und Umformtechnologie, Laserdirektstrukturierung, Frästechnologie, Kaschierungen, u.v.a.
    Materialien:            Stahl, Synthetik, Farbe, Lacke, Pigmente

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